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Summer camp opportunities

Would you be interested in sending your children to camp this summer? We offer overnight camping opportunities for ages 7-17,  It is offered at Hidden Falls Camp in Bedford, IN.  We provide transportation down and back. This is a great opportunity to get out of town and experience life in the country as well as learn about God.

How we help empower youth

With this ministry, we help children have an opportunity to learn about God while enjoying the great outdoors.  We have 4 and 5 day camps that are offered according to age and interests.  Camps run from the middle of June through the middle of July.

Teen Camp June 10-14  For Ages 13-17

Junior Kid's Camp June 17-20  For Ages 6-8

Kids Camp June 24-28  For Ages 9-12

Music Camp July 1-6  For Ages 9-17

STEAM+ Camp July 8-12  For Ages 9-14

Discipleship Camp July 15-19 For Ages 7-17

TSAO Camp (The Salvation Army Outdoors) July 15-19 For Ages 13-17


All Camps cost $10 and include a $5 candy card
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