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Every child deserves a childhood
We open our arms and our hearts to give families the support they need to grow together and thrive.
Pathway of Hope is a Salvation Army approach to create a path out of poverty. We provide targeted services to families with children under the age of 18, both traditional and non-traditional family structures, that desire to break the cycle of crisis. Through case management, we focus on a family's capabilities and raise hope by empowering them to overcome barriers on the path to stability. Families set their own goals, and we partner with them to provide the resources needed to accomplish each one.
The Salvation Army’s Pathway of Hope initiative marks a pivotal shift from treating the symptoms of poverty to preventing the epidemic at its root. By helping families overcome barriers like unemployment, unstable housing, and lack of education, we can break the cycle of crisis and vulnerability, leading families down a path toward increased stability – a Pathway of Hope that will profoundly affect generations to come.
Among the world’s 35 wealthiest countries, the United States has the second-highest child poverty rate. And children who live in poverty for half their lives are 32 times more likely to remain in poverty. Which means the epidemic is passed down from one generation to the next, over and over again. The cost to those families who are trapped in the cycle of poverty is staggering, but we must also consider that the effects of child poverty cost our country nearly $500 billion per year.
This program is available at every Salvation Army service center in the Twin Cities. There are no income requirements to join the program. Each family is assigned a case manager who partners with them to set and accomplish goals. When you join the program, you’ll receive personalized support that fits your needs. Every goal that’s accomplished moves your family one step closer to a brighter future. Fill out a program interest form to be contacted about receiving help.
Broken families can be healed. You can help.
See how The Salvation Army has helped a single mother reclaim her life thanks to this mentoring program.