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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Recovery Home Image

Recovery Home

Empowering Lives Through Recovery

Program Description

The purpose of this Recovery Home is to provide recovery services to those individuals who are unable to receive help due to lack of insurance or other financial resources. People suffering from substance use and living on the street have often been using drugs and/or alcohol for decades and recovery is a process that takes time and significant support. These individuals need a sober environment to stabilize, learn and grow. Our Recovery Home will provide up to one year of residential programming and the tools to rejoin the community successfully afterwards.

The newly remodeled Recovery Home at 350 N Market Street, will provide recovery education and support for up to 21 individuals at a time. Each person will have a private room within a seven-bedroom unit. Each unit consists of a kitchenette, living room, bathroom and laundry facilities. The Recovery Home has a main dining room and kitchen, computer lab, and group rooms.

Perhaps the greatest restoration those caught in substance use need is to feel hope again. The journey to recovery is difficult, but when shared with caring, loving people the burden is lighter. We are here to walk together. The Salvation Army offers a holistic approach, providing for the mind, body, and the soul.

All Spiritual programming is voluntary, never mandatory, but always available. We believe that God loves every person and is the best resource for strength each day. We agree with Johann Hari, “The opposite of addition is connection!”

People in the Recovery Home will work through a variety of substance use, mental health, and physical health assessments and together with staff will development an Individual Recovery Plan. The plan will address addiction issues, life skills, job training and placement, support networks including families, and long-term housing. When a person graduates from the Recovery Home they will be prepared to live independently, have a support system, and be able to stay clean and sober.


Our Recovery Home Acceptance Criteria:

  • 18 years of age or older.
  • Completed detoxification or has a clean urinalysis test, or tests positive for a class of substances that do not require medical detoxification (Marijuana, cocaine).
  • Drug and alcohol free or is on Medication Assisted Treatment (Not Methadone) If on MAT, must be willing to sign a Release of Information for communication with the prescribing doctor.
  • Must have completed a physical examination within the past 6 months and able to provide documentation or be willing to see a doctor as soon as an appointment can be arranged.
  • Able to provide all self-care, complete assigned daily chores, and attend programming.
  • Has a personal desire to maintain a sober lifestyle, (not only trying to fulfill a mandate).
  • This program is for those without insurance and have no other options.
  • Is willing to fully participate in the Recovery Home Program and follow the rules.
  • Is willing to actively develop and work on their individual recovery plan to reach their full potential.
  • Clients with a mental illness diagnosis are welcome in the program if they are under the care of a professional, medication compliant, and able to follow the guidelines of the program.


Application Process


A potential client may contact the Recovery Home staff directly by email at and give their name and a way to contact them.

Potential clients may walk-in Monday through Friday from 8:30AM to 3:30PM (Closed for lunch 12-12:30). Clients will be seen in the order they arrive; there may be several hours of waiting time.

Potential clients may call the Recovery Home Monday through Friday from 8:30AM to 4:00PM at (316) 264-2769 Ext. 183. *Please leave a detailed message.

Agency Referral

Agency staff should have a Release of Information signed by the potential client for an exchange of information to The Salvation Army. Email the Release to with the client’s name, birthdate, and addiction history. Include the Agency’s staff contact information.

Agency staff may call Monday through Friday 8:30AM to 4:00 (Lunch break noon to 12:30) at (316) 263-2769 Ext. 183. *Please leave a detailed message. A Release of Information will still need to be sent for an actual referral.

*All calls & emails will be returned within 24 hours, Monday - Friday, if possible



Making a monetary contribution helps us sustain our Recovery Home. Help support someone battling with addiction. Checks should be made out to The Salvation Army at 350 N Market, Wichita, KS 67202, or CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION easily and securely online.