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We fight poverty with love.

We Fight Poverty With Love

Through programs that serve the body, mind and soul, The Salvation Army alleviates the symptoms of poverty, then works to address the root issues that cause it

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46.7 million Americans live below the poverty line. 60 million more live one crisis away.

Sadly, children raised in poverty are 32% more likely to remain there than their more fortunate peers.

The Salvation Army is active in every zip code in America to feed, shelter, assist and equip the poor.

Poverty is often the result of, and catalyst for, chronic struggles with hunger, addiction, housing insecurity, mental illness, unemployment, educational voids, and various forms of abuse. These interconnected issues continue year after year and generation after generation. That’s why we work to meet the needs of the whole person through short- and long-term assistance. Through programs that serve the body, mind and soul, we alleviate the symptoms of poverty, then work to address the root issues that cause it. This holistic approach helps create sustainable change in millions of lives, every single day.

The Salvation Army helps
overcome poverty through:


Because housing insecurity is strongly linked to prolonged poverty, The Salvation Army works to provide short- and long-term housing assistance to displaced families and individuals. Read more here.

Meal Assistance

One of the hallmarks of poverty is the painful choice between “heating and eating.” That is, families must decide whether they’ll pay their bills or pay for food. They do not have sufficient funds to do both. Read more here.

Bill-Pay Assistance

Rental Assistance

As various crisis occur in households, sometimes paying the rent is the biggest need that can't be accomplished. The Salvation Army Case managers can help assess a households abilities and needs and detemrinie how best to assist with rental assistance.

Help With Utilities

Those individuals and familes who have gotten behind in maintaining their utility bills can often find some assistance in our locations. Case mangers will assess a families needs and identify how we can provide assistance to help with that utility need.

Pathway of Hope

Pathway of Hope is a Salvation Army approach to create a path out of poverty. Read more here.

Other Ways We Meet Needs
