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Celebrating 100 years of service to our community! Image

Celebrating 100 years of service to our community!

Join us for an incredible celebration as The Salvation Army - Benton Harbor Corps proudly commemorates 100 years of dedicated service to God and our beloved communities of West Berrien & Van Buren Co!

We Love Because<br>God Loved Us First Image

We Love Because
God Loved Us First

Join us each Sunday for worship!

Poverty Doesn't Care Image

Poverty Doesn't Care

Watch the Video
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Help us meet the needs of our community today and every day.

Do the Most Good Image

Do the Most Good

Your time and talent
are what makes our community stronger.

<br><br><br><br>Love Beyond Inflation Image

Love Beyond Inflation

Your support helps neighbors facing crisis make ends meet.

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Ways we helpWays we help in this community
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How you can helpHow you can help in this community
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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Wherever there is a need in Van Buren and West Berrien Counties,

you'll find The Salvation Army of Benton Harbor. Find out how you can help.

The Greatest Need right now is

Financial Support & Food Pantry Items

Meet the Need

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Our Leadership

Salvation Army Programs are led by Salvation Army Officers. These officers are responsible to lead by assessing needs, delivering programs and directing ministries for our local community. From serving food to balancing the books, they function as the Executive Directors and the Pastors for the Benton Harbor Salvation Army.

Why the uniform?

Join us for worship!

Meet & Greet: Sunday, 10:30 AM
Worship Service: Sunday, 11:00 AM
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