The Road Home: The Journey from Homelessness to Stability - Preston's Story

Jun 26, 2024

Needing shelter and ringing bells introduced Preston to The Salvation Army Benton Harbor Corps. Today, Preston and his wife, Consuelo, have keys to their own apartment, have employment, and have continuous support.

In 2023, Preston and his wife, Consuelo, found themselves in difficult situations. After becoming homeless, due to incarceration and not having stable employment, Preston spent time in prison for an assault charge, leaving his wife Consuelo, who couldn’t find a stable job, living with strangers and friends, neglected by family, and ultimately, on the streets. It was an extreme change from living in a home that Consuelo had for years.

Preston and Consuelo grew up in Benton Harbor, Michigan. Neither having their father present in the home, Preston turned to the streets to find his sense of community, and Consuelo leaned on her ten brothers and sisters, mother, and grandmother. As Preston spent most of his time running with the guys on the streets, he began getting in trouble with the police, finding himself on parole on different occasions from 1984 to 2023. From 2023 to now, this has been the longest Preston has been off parole, as he stated, “I wanted to get off parole and be a better and different man. Consuelo is in my corner and has made a huge difference in my life. She helps me stay off parole and I want to do better for myself.”

Preston and Consuelo at The Salvation Army - Benton Harbor Annual Dinner

Preston and Consuelo got married three years ago, and Preston sees Consuelo as his “co-warrior.” Although they had challenges with homelessness and employment, they never left each other’s side. “I believe God made her for me, and we communicate well together. Without her, I would be nothing.” said Preston.

Homelessness in our community is huge, but not impossible, to fix.

After being released from prison, Preston stayed in The Salvation Army’s Emergency Shelter for a few months. While Preston remained in the shelter, Consuelo stayed with friends. Preston found employment at the local soup kitchen, where he served the community by cleaning and washing dishes. Before working there, he volunteered his time, and the director hired him. “I loved working at The Soup Kitchen as Ms. Merry gave me a chance to work, save money, and serve my community.” After learning about Salvation Army programs, Preston heard that The Salvation Army was a church and how they ring bells to raise funds for Salvation Army programs. “I always thought it was cool to ring bells and be a part of The Salvation Army. I asked about it, and it was a blessing for me to stand at stores, meet new people, and help the ministry at The Salvation Army.” Preston was a top bell ringer for the 2023 bell ringing season and encouraged others from the community to serve as bell ringers. His wife, Consuelo, took his position to work at the local soup kitchen.

Preston Bell ringing for The Salvation Army

After the bell ringing season, Preston was connected with the local Area Agency on Aging to work for their Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP). The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) provides high-quality job training and employment assistance for job seekers aged 55 and older. This program connects seniors to local businesses in the community that can offer on-the-job training and employment. Preston qualified for this program. The Area Agency on Aging referred Preston to The Salvation Army where Preston works full-time through the Senior Community Service Employment Program as a janitor. He’s been working in this position for the past 6 months.

Now that Preston and Consuelo secured jobs, they can look for an apartment. Preston and Consuelo met with the social worker at The Salvation Army to get assistance with the first month's rent. Through funds from United Way, FEMA, generous support from donors and the community, and fundraising, The Salvation Army’s emergency assistance programs are helping families and individuals pay their rent and bills. Preston received assistance with the first month’s rent, food from the food pantry, and household items from donations from the community. “I have never been in my own home. I moved in with Consuelo at our last home, but to have my own house with both of our names on the lease is special. We are conformable, work good hours, have our privacy and space, and we love it. I’m getting used to the new house smell!”

Preston & Consuelo holding up their keys to their new home

After securing their apartment, Preston and Consuelo thanked The Salvation Army, Area Agency on Aging, The Soup Kitchen, and the donors who helped make assistance possible. Getting the keys to their newly renovated home was a relief.

“We kept our faith in God, and if we can get through these issues, anyone can. Where we’re from and the things we overcame, all is possible. No weapon formed against us shall prosper, and we see God’s hand in all of this. Love is love!”

Today, Preston and Consuelo attend The Salvation Army Church in Benton Harbor, and Consuelo is part of The Women’s Ministry fellowship that meets every Tuesday.

The Salvation Army exists to meet human needs wherever, whenever, and however we can. When you give locally, you ensure that the people in this community get the help they need.

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