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Poverty in the Bay County, Michigan community is addressed on all possible fronts. From immediate, emergency aid and basic needs including feeding programs to summer camp for children, The Salvation Army of Bay City, under the leadership of Majors Rick and Kim Ray, are dedicated to helping overcome poverty at every level.
Pathway Of Hope
Our Case Workers support families who are ready to work on goals through a personalized action plan, accountability and celebrations for goals met. This innovative initiative increases the sense of hope in individuals, and is The Salvation Army’s most transformative social ministry at a local corps level. Many of these families are without support systems and we offer love and support and point them to hope in Christ. Our goal is to identify and enroll a minimum of 2 new families each year.
Emergency Pantries
Our various pantries provide food and basic hygiene itemsfor those in need. We also provide basic pet supplies for those with pets and have amuch-needed baby pantry for mothers with very young children and limited resources.
Food and Produce Distributions
Hot meals are provided Monday through Saturday from 11 am until 1 pm for anyone in the community in need of good nutrition and a hot meal. This is our community lunch – enjoyed by many in need of a meal or simply fellowship in a safe, Christian atmosphere. Produce and other fresh food items are distributed to the community on a weekly basis in the warmer months, and as possible (usually monthly) in the cold months. This produce serves to fill a vital need for healthy and fresh foods to the county’s poor and needy.
Providing for Basic Needs
We provide utility assistance, prescriptions, and rent assistance. Our baby pantry provides items for new mothers, including diapers, layettes, and formula. Throughout the year, we offer additional assistance such as backpacks and school supplies distributed in late summer and coats, hats, and mittens distributed in the fall. Along with our Christmas food assistance, we have a program to provide gifts for children.
Providing Hope and Comfort
The Women’s Ministry, under the leadership of Major Kimberly Ray, visits Bay County’s nursing homes at least 2 times a year. And, Major Rick Ray does monthly prison visits to provide teaching and comfort to those who have lost their way and are seeking a way back to Christ.
Summer Camp Experience
Each year we send over 100 children and adults to summer residential camps, Where they experience God’s creation and have fun together.
Summer Day Camp & Activities at Our Location
We provide fun activities and 2 meals each day for children in the neighborhood and on Fridays we partner with another church to spend time learning more about the world around us….. all at no cost.
Ministry in The Salvation Army of Bay City
Ministry in The Salvation Army of Bay City is a soul and body approach. We understand that everyone is in need – whether in body or in spirit. Meeting the need of fellowship and communion among believers is a vital part of the ministry of The Salvation Army of Bay City – as is meeting the needs of the hungry and impoverished. Our outreach programs include not only Sunday School and Worship services, but also the Community Lunch Program – our “Matthew 25 Café”. There is always prayer offered prior to the meals and on Saturdays, a Christian video is played – often generating discussion and personal growth among attendees.
Our outreach and ministry includes the children’s and adults’ programs on the weekdays as well.
Weekly Programs:
Sunday School - Sunday 10 a.m.
Sunday Worship Service - Sunday 11 am
Women’s Ministry Program - Tuesday 10 a.m.
Character Building Programs* - Tuesday 4:30 p.m.
*Moonbeams: Age 4 - grade K Boys & Girls
Sunbeams: Grades 1-5 Girls
Explorers: Grades 1-5 Boys
Girl Guards: Grades 6-12 Girls
Rangers: Grades 6-12 Boys
Monthly Programs:
Men’s Dinner and Bible Study - 2nd Sunday of the month 6 p.m.
Ladies Night Out - 3rd Thursday of the month 6 p.m.
Young Adults Programs - 3rd Sunday of the month 5 p.m.
Youth Night - Last Sunday of the month 5 p.m.
Note: Monthly program times may vary. Please call Major Rick or Kim Ray at 989-893-3041 with any questions about any of the programs.