5 Years of Blessings

Dec 25, 2024

Derek Mount was a freshman at IUPUI when he first had a strong desire to help people in need. Mount decided to help The Salvation Army of Central Indiana and through his connections around the Indianapolis area, found a way to make a big impact.

In 2019, Mount delivered his first Blessing Bags to The Salvation Army Harbor Light Center. He and a couple of friends packed the Blessing Bags which consisted of essentials like shampoo, soap, a blanket, a bible and a letter of encouragement. Five years later, Mount and his friends are delivering Blessing Bags in the hundreds to two locations: The Harbor Light Center and The Ruth Lilly Women and Children’s Center. Mount credits the people working with him for his success.

Boone Prairie School has been a fundamental piece in helping Mount. The school helps buy items for the Blessing Bags and also helps packs. Students from Boone Prairie also write encouraging notes that go to the children who enter The Ruth Lilly Women and Children’s Center.


“The encouraging letters can mean so much to the people receiving the Blessing Bags. A little letter can make people feel seen and just means so much when people read them,” mentioned Mount.

In the five years of delivering Blessing Bags, Mount has expanded his operation. He is now able to create Blessing Bags specifically for children that include crayons, soccer balls, and other interactive items.    

"The Blessing Bags have become a normal Christmas event for me ever since I started,” said Mount. “We love coming to both Harbor Light and The Ruth Lilly Women and Children’s Center and hearing about the stories of people opening our Blessing Bags."


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