A Spiritual Connection

Sep 12, 2022












“Harbor Light helped me form a relationship with God. I realized that’s what I was missing.” Ikeith was welcomed into The Salvation Army Harbor Light Center in January with nothing but hope for his future. He had battled alcohol addiction for many years without realizing the extent of his condition. It wasn’t until he traveled to visit with family in Indianapolis that he was encouraged to seek help. 

“I traveled from Florida to Indiana to see my daughter and grandchildren,” Ikeith explained. “I had planned to stay with them for a few weeks.” However, during his travel, Ikeith continued to drink heavily. When he arrived, the family could see that alcohol was overtaking him to the point of aggression and anger. “I fought with my daughter and fussed at everyone in the house,” Ikeith related. “The sad part is, I don’t ever remember it happening.” 

 The following day, Ikeith woke up ready to play with his grandchildren, but they were timid. His grandson asked him if he remembered what happened the night before. After assuring him that he did not, the 7-year-old came over, looked up, and said, “Pawpaw, you need to get help.”  

Ikeith immediately felt that God was using his grandson to speak to him. “It hurt me so badly to hear my grandson say those words,” Ikeith said. “I told my daughter that I was ready for a new life.” 

Ikeith’s daughter called The Salvation Army Harbor Light Center to set up an appointment for her father. When he arrived, he found a home in residential treatment. Here, Ikeith learned how to navigate his addiction while also building his faith. “This program provided me with a better path to take,” Ikeith explained. “If I was not here, I would be headed for destruction.” 

It wasn’t long before he became involved in the church services held at The Salvation Army Harbor Light Center, volunteering to help set up, take down, and read scripture for Sunday morning service. “During this time, I discovered that Harbor Light was a very spiritual place that allowed me to connect with God,” said Ikeith. “He is what I needed to overcome my struggles.” 

Today, Ikeith finds home in The Salvation Army Harbor Light Center transitional housing, a service that allows clients to reintroduce themselves to society after they complete their time in residential treatment. Looking forward, Ikeith said he wants to give back to The Salvation Army Harbor Light Center as much as possible. “As I restart my life outside of the center, I plan to return to volunteer and attend my church here. These are my people, and they changed everything for me.” 

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