"If you have the power to make someone happy, do it. The world needs more of that."
Santa's had his eye on you. And so have we. Your kindness is such a bright spot! We're on a mission to spark our entire community to shine.

We've chosen YOU to help us.
Won't you bring out your inner Santa, and help reinstate the spirit of Christmas?
Here's what we're thinking...
Do ONE act of kindness every day.
We know when you do, kindness will stack on top of kindness, each one inspiring others to join in. Smiles will grow and good deeds will spread until our entire community is caught up in the spirit!
With your help, we’ll set off an explosion of Christmas kindness brighter and more beautiful than any Fourth of July fireworks! One that will last. A HABIT. Seeing the good in others. Being the good in someone's day.
Remember, keep Christmas kindness in your heart, on your mind, AND in your day, EVERY DAY. If you have the power to make someone happy, do it. The world needs more of that.