Holiday Heroes

Dec 5, 2019

Who are the people making The Salvation Army's work come to life in your community? It may surprise you, not only what we do but who supports us!

The Holiday Season brings out so many different ways to support our mission as well as countless ways that our mission meets the greatest need in your communities. The most recognizable Salvation Army presence during this time is our passionate Bell Ringers. Those who volunteer their time to spread the sound of Hope to those around them have been the champions of The Salvation Army for decades as this tradition stretches back to historical roots for our organization & work. The dedication and excitement we see from our local Bell ringers is always inspiring us to do our best work. Whether it is through our Angel Tree/Christmas Present programs, Food Baskets, Utility assistance or other services we offer - every year, no matter what the need, those who come to us for support are given exactly what they need to have a Happy & Loving Holiday all thanks to the support we see from our Bell Ringers and those who follow their example. 

We have seen these heroes come in many shapes & sizes over the years: From old to young, large groups to individuals, families, choirs and even the Grinch himself! It doesn't matter who wants to grab an apron and Ring for Hope in their community, The Salvation Army is always welcoming your support at our Red Kettles all Holiday Season. Giving even an hour of your time can raise just enough to allow someone in your community to solve food insecurities, receive warmer clothes or simply be reminded that they are not forgotten during this loving time of year. 

Look below at some of the faces of our Holiday Heroes across the Heartland Division as they chose to become a Bell Ringer & give their time for our mission to Fight For Good !



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