Chaplain Highlight: Captain Tony and Brianne Bowers

Jun 26, 2023

For the past five years, Captains Tony and Brianne Bowers have served the Indiana Division in a variety of roles including corps officers and Divisional Youth Secretaries. Together, they are moving to Chicago, IL to serve as the Divisional Youth Secretaries for the Northern and Central Illinois Division. They will be greatly missed at Divisional Headquarters, but God has called them to further their mission to build the kingdom. 

Captains Bowers's unwavering dedication to The Salvation Army is deeply rooted in their upbringing. Born and raised in families of Salvation Army officers, they carry on their legacy with pride. One particular memory that holds a special place in their hearts is their first year in Indiana, serving as Corps Officers at Eagle Creek. During this time, they embarked on an exciting venture, partnering with the Colts to establish a fitness center within the gym. This unique collaboration not only promoted physical well-being but also showcased their innovative approach to community engagement. Throughout their tenure in Indianapolis, Captains Tony and Brianne forged numerous close friendships, leaving an indelible impact on the lives they touched.

As Captains Bowers bids farewell to the Indiana Division, they acknowledge the bittersweet nature of transitions. However, they eagerly embrace the future, recognizing the opportunities it presents. Together, they are grateful for the chance to build new relationships, grow alongside a fresh team, and continue her work as the Divisional Youth and Candidates Secretary (DYCS), a role they wholeheartedly love. Captain Brianne's passion for candidate recruitment, cultivating new officers to carry on the organization's mission, is unmatched. Simultaneously, Captain Tony, serving as the Divisional Youth Secretary and Camp Administrator, provides expertise in overseeing summer camp programming, ensuring transformative experiences for the youth across the division.

Together, Captain Tony and Brianne have demonstrated exceptional leadership, inspiring countless individuals and leaving an enduring legacy. Although they may be leaving the Indiana Division, their impact will continue to resonate within the hearts and minds of those they meet. As they embark on new journeys, The Salvation Army Indiana Division bids them farewell with immense gratitude for their unwavering dedication, innovative spirit, and the profound connections they have forged throughout their time of service.

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