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KOMU -- Columbia City Council to hear report on emergency warming center threshold change
January 19, 2022
The Salvation Army in Columbia and Jefferson City have cold cots for when temperatures drop. Its threshold is 35 degrees.
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KRCG-TV -- Jefferson City warming shelter shuts down temporarily due to COVID
January 16, 2022
The Salvation Army had to close their Center of Hope warming shelter temporarily in Jefferson City due to a rise in COVID cases among staff.
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The Salvation Army Midland Division Opens Cooling Centers with Missouri and Illinois to Battle Summer Heat
June 17, 2021
It has opened daytime cooling centers in Missouri and Illinois after the Excessive Heat Advisory issued by the National Weather Service.
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The Salvation Army Midland Division Sets Out to “Rescue Christmas”
September 14, 2020
The Salvation Army Midland Division Sets Out to “Rescue Christmas” Due to Immense Impact of COVID-19.
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