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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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What is your story? How did you end up in Milwaukee? Justin Bohler

I grew up in Janesville, about an hour and a half from Milwaukee, but rarely made it here as a youngster. I had the opportunity to compete on the UWM track team in college, which is largely what brought me to Milwaukee. Because I needed something to do other than run, I decided to study engineering. I ended up with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in structural engineering and have worked the past seven years as a design consultant. In the same period of time, on the side, I've been an assistant coach for the Greenfield High School track team, started investing in real estate in the area, obtained my realtor's license, and founded a startup (MyCombine) with my two best friends.

What keeps you in Milwaukee/What do you like best about Milwaukee?

I love the variety that Milwaukee offers. There is never a shortage of options for activities, restaurants, entertainment, etc. on any given day. That, along with proximity to good friends and family, is what keeps me in Milwaukee.

Favorite spot in the city?

Bradford Beach on a nice summer day.

Milwaukee festival you are eager to attend each year?

Summer Soulstice

What drew you to Echelon?

The opportunity to be part of a talented group of people focused on giving back to the community and carrying out the mission of The Salvation Army.

Share with us a memorable experience you have had thus far with the organization.

My wife and I attended a Bucks game with some members of Echelon shortly after I joined the group. It was very motivating to hear everyone's stories and to see the initiative being taken to improve our community and, at the same time, exciting to realize how fortunate I was to be a part of such a great organization.

What struggles do you see our city dealing with? What can our generation do to help?

Regardless of the specific struggle, our generation can develop solutions more efficiently through the use of technology, and more effectively by working together as a united group.