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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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What is your story? How did you end up in Milwaukee?Matt Walker

I’m born and raised in Minneapolis, MN, attended the University of St. Thomas in the Twin Cities and moved to Milwaukee in late 2013 for my job with Thrivent after working in downtown Minneapolis for six years.

What keeps you in Milwaukee/What do you like best about Milwaukee?

I love the people and the culture in Milwaukee... there are always things to do and it’s been fun to watch the growth in the city in the short time that I’ve been here.

Favorite spot in the city?

Anywhere on the lakefront and the 3rd Ward!

Milwaukee festival you are eager to attend each year?

Summerfest and Italian Fest

What drew you to Echelon?

The opportunity to work with an incredible organization and make a lasting impact in Milwaukee.

Share with us a memorable experience you have had thus far with the organization.

Our one year anniversary meeting in the US Bank building was very memorable for me. Going from 15 attendees at our first meeting to 40 high-talent individuals a year later was tremendous. I’ve also enjoyed the volunteering opportunities we’ve had with The Salvation Army and doing what I can to help make Milwaukee a better place.

What struggles do you see our city dealing with? What can our generation do to help?

Unfortunately this is not a short list in Milwaukee... I have personal passion around working with underprivileged kids in our community and working with schools to better equip our kids who are the future of Milwaukee!
