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Registration at Milwaukee City Salvation Army Corps and Distribution Center
In order to meet the anticipated requests for toys this year, registration will be a one step process. This registration process will run from October 30, 2023 – November 29, 2023 at the following locations:
How do I qualify to receive toys?
You must register your children at one of the four Milwaukee Salvation Army locations.
Where are the locations? Call for dates and times
What ages of children can receive toys?
Children born on or after January 1, 2011 (ages 0 – 12) are eligible to receive toys.
What do I need to bring with me to register for toys?
To register children, parents or guardians as Head of Household must provide proof of their own identity, and their residence/address, and proof of the birthdate(s) of their child(ren).
How do I prove my identity?
Provide ONE of these documents as proof of identity:
How do I prove my residence?
Provide ONE of these documents as proof of residence/address;
To register children to receive toys, proof of the child’s birth date is required. No child will be registered without this documentation.
How do I prove my child’s age?
Provide ONE of these documents containing proof of a child’s birth date (Foster Parents, Caregivers & Placement Resource Families can provide the Child’s Placement Verification Letter as documentation):
Digital/Electronic Documentation will be accepted if legible on mobile device.
What if I don’t have the right information to register?
Proof of the child’s birth date is required. If you do not have documentation, it is your responsibility to obtain it. For assistance we suggest you contact the Milwaukee County Courthouse or W-2 offices.
When can I register for toys?
October 30, 2023 through November 29, 2023.
What if I Received Toys in 2022?
Families that participated in the 2022 Milwaukee Toy Shop are not automatically eligible to register for toys in 2023. You must register for the 2023 Toy Shop.
Can I bring my children with me to register for toys?
No. Please do not bring children with you.
What if I can’t get there to register? Can someone else register for me?
Yes. They must bring your required documentation along with the required documentation for each child. In addition, they must provide a letter from you stating that they have permission to complete the registration for you and the reason you are unable to register. They must also bring their identification as well.
Where can I call to get information about registering for toys?
Call the Toy Shop at 414-464-2971