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The Weekly Word - A Devotion for the Week of March 23
March 20, 2020
Amid so much uncertainty, one thing will always remain steady and true: we have our hope in Christ. Let us remember that Jesus is near.
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Laughter Amid the Loss: Remembering the Flood of 2019
March 18, 2020
“People came in desperate need, and they came out with a smile on their face.”
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The Weekly Word - A Devotion for the Week of March 16
March 13, 2020
We cannot escape the inevitability of sin, and we cannot free ourselves from it through our own efforts. But there is hope.
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Flood Survivor Sets Her Sights on the Future
March 11, 2020
"There's so much good that has come out of this experience, I can't help but be optimistic."
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