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The Weekly Word - A Devotion for the Week of January 6
January 3, 2020
God is always in our corner, even when we can’t discern His presence.
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A Christmas Devotion from The Salvation Army
December 24, 2019
We might be like the shepherds, shouting the Good News from the rooftops. Or we might be more like Mary, quietly treasuring and pondering.
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The Weekly Word Advent Series - A Devotion for the Fourth Week of Advent
December 20, 2019
"She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them."
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Major Greg Thompson Shares His 2019 Christmas Message
December 18, 2019
As we approach the celebration of Jesus' birth, Western Divisional Commander Major Greg Thompson shares his message of hope and love for the holiday season
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