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Need is in Every Neighborhood Image

Need is in Every Neighborhood

We provide programs that provide food, housing and material assistance
and stop the cycle of poverty.

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Poverty Hides in Plain Sight

More than 19 percent of residents in Omaha live below the poverty level.

Often the day-to-day struggles individuals and families face are unseen. Chances are you know at least one friend, colleague, neighbor or family member who is struggling to make ends meet.


How we help overcome poverty in Omaha

We provide short and long term assistance and solutions to alleviate both the obvious and not-so-obvious impact of poverty. We also work to identify and address the root issues that cause poverty like addiction, homelessness, mental illness, job loss, lack of education and many other factors.

Material Assistance and Seasonal Services
A parent shouldn't have to choose between filling a child's prescription and paying the electric bill, but sadly, these are often the choices that people living in poverty are forced to make. Our material assistance programs bridge the gap and provide fresh and canned food, clothing and household items, and assistance paying for prescription medications and utilities bills. Seasonal services offer necessities like summer fans that bring relief on a sweltering day, backpacks filled with school supplies for kids returning to the classroom, and toys and meal vouchers for families at Christmas and Thanksgiving. Learn more about material assistance and seasonal services at the Burrows Center.

More than 13 percent of Nebraskans and 1 in 5 children are considered food insecure, meaning they may not know where their next meal will come from. We are working diligently to address this critical problem by offering multiple food programs in Omaha, including the Burrows Center food pantry, mobile food distribution services, and meal programs for children, adults and the elderly.


Other Ways We Meet Needs
