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Help us do the most good

Our programs are made possible because of generous donors that give back to their communities in a variety of ways.

Donate Money
Your donations stay in the community in which they are received to help us serve those most in need. 

Donate Goods / Shop Our Store
The goods you donate and the money you spend in Salvation Army Stores fund programs that heal broken lives. Find a store. 
Bonds, Funds, Stocks and IRA Rollover
Make a gift of your securities to help those who need it most.

Planned Giving, Wills and Gift Annuities
Provide hope for the future with a planned donation.

Transfer Airline Miles
Donate airline miles to help The Salvation Army meet need all over the U.S.  *link to Airline Miles info page
Sponsor a Child Overseas
Give hope to a child in need. *link to Overseas Child info page

Donate a Vehicle
Help put someone on the road to recovery with a vehicle donation. 

Non-Financial Gifts

Host a Coat Drive

One in five Racine children are living in poverty. During cold weather months, many children arrive at school without a warm coat. The Salvation Army Coats for Kids program provides an average of 1,200 coats to children in the Racine area. All coats are donated are picked up at various drop-off sites throughout the city, including all Johnson Bank locations. Cintas cleans all donated used coats as a donation. Coats are distributed through Racine Unified Schools, other child-serving agencies and families in early November each year. A secondary distribution in January or February takes place when coats continue to be donated after the fall distribution. We are very appreciative of the monetary donations from Racine Community Foundation and Johnson Bank employees.

Host a Food Drive

Food drives are an excellent way to help contribute to our Food Pantry and our Kids' Backpack Program. We serve an average of 400 clients a month in the Food Pantry. Each client receives enough food to feed the entire household for three days. Our Kids' Backpack Program feeds approximately 1,200 children a month. Single serve entrée items, breakfast items, or snack items are given in each food sack. To get started, contact Jamie Read at (262) 632-3147 ext. 113.

Host a Toy Drive

New toys during the holiday season are always needed. If you are interested in making a donation, please bring it to the Corps.



