Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive Supports Families in Need in Winnebago County
The STAMP OUT HUNGER FOOD DRIVE is this Saturday, May 11th, and the National Association of Letter Carriers needs your help!
It's EASY to participate: Local mail carriers will provide a plastic bag for customers to fill with healthy, nonperishable food items to leave for their mail carrier to pickup and deliver to The Salvation Army Social Service warehouse. From there the food will be distributed to nine (9) local food pantries in Rockford and Winnebago County for families in need.
In partnership with the Greater Rockford Pantry Coalition, NALC Branch 245, and Meibor Trucking, over 34,000 lbs of food in 2018 was collected by mail carriers and volunteers. The goal this year is to surpass that amount as the need is great in our community.
"Statistically we know that parents will feed their children, but go hungry themselves. If we can help supplement families with food then our partnership in this nationwide effort will culminate in stamping out hunger in our local community," states Beverly Peterson, Development Director for The Salvation Army of Winnebago County.
Other Local Partners:
- Meads Market
- Sara Lee Bakery
- Brian's Trade Rite
- Pinnon
- Countryside Meats & Deli
The 27th Annual Stamp Out Food drive highlights the following:
- Nationally, nearly 41 million or 1 in 8 Americans are living at risk of hunger and not knowing where the next meal comes from.
- Sadly, more than 12 million or 1 in 6 children are living in households at risk of hunger.
- To address the need, 10,000 cities and towns nationwide will participate thanks to the National Letter Carriers Association and other national partners.
- in 2018, city and rural letter carriers and volunteers collected over 71.6 million pounds of food. It was the 15th consecutive year the drive surpassed 70 million pounds.