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Please enter your name, email and zip code below to sign up!
Food Pantry: Donations of non-perishable food, produce and hygiene products are desired. High demand items include cereal, canned fruit, soup, and meal sides. For donations of frozen or perishable foods please contact Jane at 920-694-1266 or to ensure there is refrigeration or freezer space.
Emergency Lodge Homeless Shelter: Donations of unused hygiene products, bedding, towels, and more are desired. View a list of our current needs HERE.
Prison Ministry: Donations of new or slightly used men's shoes, pants and jackets are desired to share with inmates upon their release from the Kettle Moraine Correctional Institute.
Seasonal: Donations of new coats for all ages are accepted Sept. 1 - Nov. 1 for distribution to the community in early November. Donations of new toys for infants to 17 years of age are accepted Oct. 1 - the middle of December. These items can also be placed in a local Toys for Tots box.
Monday - Thursday:
8:30 am - noon
Closed over the lunch hour
1pm - 4pm
8:30am - noon
Salvation Army Corps Community Center
710 Pennsylvania Avenue, Sheboygan
There is a parking lot off of 7th St. on the northside of the building where you can enter the lobby through the glass double doors labeled “A”.