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Superior Advisory Board

The Salvation Army Advisory Board provides additional support and guidance to the activities of The Salvation Army. Viewpoints and guidance from local community leaders help the Army remain relevant to the needs of the community of Superior, Wisconsin and Douglas County.

  • Warren Bender (Board Chair)
  • Kathy Drinkwine
  • Paul Freer
  • Jan Jago
  • Vern Johnson
  • John Lohse
  • Shanya Miner
  • Knute Pederson Jr
  • Steven Rensch
  • Rick Rockwood

Superior Corps Council

The Corps Council is a group that meets to advise and assist the corps officers in the progress and well-being of the Corps. The council is comprised of members of The Salvation Army Church and the corps officers. Similar to the Advisory Board, the Council meets the first Saturday of every month to discuss upcoming events and current issues at the Corps. The Council is asked to give advice and direction to the corps officers and ensure that the mission of The Salvation Army is being reached and fulfilled on a daily basis. The following is a list of our current members. If you are interested in becoming a part of the Corps Council or The Salvation Army Church, please speak with the Corps Officers.

  • Captain Jasen Elcombe
  • Captain Kimberly Elcombe