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Walmart Round-up Program Allows Online Purchases to Support The Salvation Army
March 15, 2023
Throughout March, Walmart is offering shoppers the chance to support their favorites charities
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The Salvation Army Easter Celebrations
March 7, 2023
Join The Salvation Army for Easter Services and Easter Eggsperience egg hunt and family fun celebration.
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Easter Eggsperience Sponsorship opportunities
February 23, 2023
Join The Salvation Army as a sponsor of the Easter Eggsperience family fun event April 8, 2023
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UPDATE: Salvation Army Red Kettle Matching Mondays are Back with $40,000 Challenge Gift
December 13, 2022
Red Kettle donations to the Traverse City Salvation Army will be matched during Matching Mondays up to $40,000, December 5, 12, and 19th.
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