Christmas Angel Tree: How To Give and Receive
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true impact of the Great Recession is tough to measure. Americans have lost money, jobs and homes. Our families and friends may have fallen on hard times. Some who had little to begin with now have less and are working harder everyday to make it to tomorrow.
These same families who are struggling to meet the financial demands of day-to-day life question how they might provide a gift or two for their children on Christmas Day.
Every child deserves to experience the joy of Christmas morning. And thanks to supporters of The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program, thousands of American children will find this waiting under their Christmas trees this year.
The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program provides new clothing or toys for children of needy families through the support of donors. Found in local companies and corporations, Angel Trees are decorated with numbered paper angel tags with the first name, age and gender of a child in need of presents. Contributors remove one or more tags from the tree and purchase appropriate gifts for the child or children described on the tags.
Give Joy:
To support an Angel in your town, contact your local Salvation Army by entering your zip code at
Give Hands:
In many locations, The Salvation Army needs volunteers to help distribute the gifts along with food for holiday meals to the participating families. Often times, employees and family members of the sponsoring organization help distribute their group’s gifts throughout their community. Community volunteer and service groups; church groups and retired senior volunteer programs often aid The Salvation Army during the holidays and throughout the year, but more volunteers are always needed.
Share the Joy:
If you and your organization, church, business or club would like to sponsor an Angel Tree in your community, please contact your local Salvation Army offices. Information about The Salvation Army and contact information for local offices are available at
Do you need help this year providing your children with gifts?
Families are typically registered in the months of October and November. Many sign-ups have already started. To learn more about dates and eligibility in your local community, contact your local Salvation Army by entering your zip code at