Help Us Celebrate National Salvation Army Week – May 15-21

May 11, 2023

In 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a proclamation, approved by Congress, declaring the start of National Salvation Army Week as a public reminder of the ministry and mission of The Salvation Army.

Spanning the week immediately following Mother’s Day, Salvation Army locations across the U.S. will host various educational and fundraising events while encouraging people to learn more about the work we do. It’s also a reminder for Americans to love beyond themselves and to make a difference in their communities.

In the proclamation, President Eisenhower noted, “Among Americans, The Salvation Army has long been a symbol of wholehearted dedication to the cause of human brotherhood. In time of war, the men and women of this organization have brought to those serving their country far from home, friendliness and warm concern. In the quieter days of peace, their work has been a constant reminder to us all that each of us is neighbor and kin to all Americans. Giving freely of themselves, the men and women of The Salvation Army have won the respect of us all.”

Everyone is invited to join us and observe Salvation Army Week in their own, unique way. Suggestions include:

  1. Learn more about the programs and services The Salvation Army provides in the Midwest.
  2. Spread awareness of our good work on social media. Share posts and hashtags on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin to help others discover what makes The Salvation Army one of the world’s most recognized and trusted charities.
  3. Volunteer your time and talents to help build community. Discover what opportunities exist at The Salvation Army location nearest you.
  4. Make a donation to support our efforts. Over time, all gifts—both big and small—add up quickly, and there are many different ways to give.

Thanks to you, The Salvation Army is able to do the most good throughout the Midwest during National Salvation Army Week and every week of the year.

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