Major Rachel Stouder: From Indianapolis to Wisconsin, Leading with Love and Faith

Jun 21, 2024

“No one should seek their own good, but the good of others (1 Corinthians 10:24). This verse captures Major Rachel Stouder’s impactful journey in Indianapolis, Indiana. Throughout her tenure, Major Stouder exhibited love and fostered a sense of community. Now, she is embarking on a new chapter as the General Secretary for the Wisconsin Division, poised to make an even greater impact.

Six years ago, Major Stouder arrived in Indianapolis as the Divisional Program Secretary, serving the entire state of Indiana. After four years in that role, she transitioned to the newly established position of Indianapolis Area Commander. This role involved leading a dedicated team focused on addressing the specific needs of the Indianapolis community.

“I was nervous about starting up the Central Indiana Area Command. I had no idea where to start,” explained Major Stouder. “But I was also really excited to support Indianapolis Corps and to bring everyone together as a collective.”

Indianapolis was not new to Major Stouder. Before becoming a Salvation Army officer, she interned in the city, learning about its people and spreading the word of God. Her familiarity with the city served her well when she began her role as Area Commander.

Initially a team of one, Major Stouder quickly began uniting the Indianapolis Corps, The Ruth Lilly Women and Children’s Center, and the Adult Rehabilitation Center. She was responsible for assembling her team and supporting local Corps and Community Centers.

“I kept praying through it and God gave me an increase capacity to learn so much,” said Major Stouder. “I found myself able to get through work with greater ease and through that I was able to develop resilience.”

During her tenure as Indianapolis Area Commander, Major Stouder established and expanded numerous ministries.  She spearheaded initiatives that provided Christmas assistance to thousands of children, warmth to families through Coats for Kids, and increased awareness of The Salvation Army’s mission. 

Major Stouder’s leadership had a far-reaching impact. Many sought her guidance and wisdom. Her passion was always to help people grow into the individuals God intended them to be. “I never thought I would be able to influence a whole team that would make an impact on an entire city,” said Major Stouder.

“She seeks people out, includes them, nurtures them, and invites them into an authentic relationship with the Savior,” said Beth Curtiss, Executive Assistant to Major Stouder. “She has faced and overcome every challenge with grace and with utter confidence that “God would make it happen, for He who calls us is faithful.” (1 Thessalonians 5:24)

As Major Stouder prepares for her new role in Wisconsin, she is eager to continue growing and learning. Her profound love for Jesus and tender care for His people will undoubtedly shine in her new position.

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