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"Hungry" is no way to spend childhood

Every day The Salvation Army helps cure hunger by providing nutritious meals to neighbors in need.

In Michigan, 1,414,700 people are struggling with hunger

- and of them 356,930 are children.


1 in 7 people struggles with hunger.

1 in 6 children struggles with hunger.

The average cost of a meal in Michigan is $2.81. (Data from Feeding America's Map the Meal Gap 2016 study).

Our Social Service Ministry provides a compassionate and realistic response to families and individuals in crisis.

Persons applying are asked to bring the following:

- Photo ID (for all adults 18 & over in the household / Birth Certificates for children under the age of 18)
- Social Security numbers for each family member
- Proof of household income (2 months of pay stubs, unemployment, disability, social security, pension or child support)
- Proof of all household expenses (rent / mortgage, utilites, cable, internet, phone / cell phone, grocery, child care, etc.)
- Proof of address (current rent / lease agreement or mortgage)
- Documentation showing the cause of emergency (doctor's note identifying illness, accident, letter of unemployment or lay-off, other) 
- Persons must be residents of Saginaw County.

Each head of household must complete and sign and intake form. During the one-on-one interview with the social services ministry coordinator, solutions to the underlying cause of the crisis are addressed. It is our goal to achieve long term solutions to problems in order to enhance family stability.

Other Ways We Meet Needs
