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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Come to the table

2022-2023....and counting

19,487 nights of safe lodging

713 electric bills

180 Water bills


What is Financial Assistance?

Many throughout our area struggle with making ends meet. Whether they've lost a job, had a medical emergency, natural or manmade disaster strikes, or even if they are trying to get back on their feet after being released from incarceration or recently overcoming homelessness... Sometimes people just need help to become stable again... We try to offer them that help in the form of bill payments for the critical services they need such as housing, water, or electricity/gas.

Often times this can mean the difference between them catching up on bills and keeping the lights on, water running, or a roof over their heads... or the situation turning much worse and falling farther and farther behind. We understand that we can help EVERY person or EVERY situation. But we will do what we can.

Over 60% of clients who receive assistance are able to become stable again and don't come back for more assistance... We were able to get them back on track and able to stabilize their finances and situation.

Of the remaining 40% of clients who do return still in need of assistance the following year, they are move to the next stage in casework. Where we work with them on resourcing and finding underlying causes to their struggles, all to help establish the best path towards self-sufficiency for them and their situation.

Lastly, any remaining families who are still struggling, who have many barriers and "blocks" to their path to self-sufficiency, are referred to our Pathway of Hope program. This program is designed to walk with families and helps break them out of the cycles of poverty and set on a new path with HOPE for a bright future. Learn more about Pathway of Hope HERE

How can I apply for help?

Depending on our funding sources at the given time we are able to assist with rent and utility bills for families in need. Different grants and funding sources have various guidelines, so it's best to call our office at 812-422-4673 to see what we are able to assist with.

Phone calls for appointments are taken Mondays starting at 8:30 AM (not before). We ask that you follow the voice prompts and leave a message in the appropriate voicemailbox. Your place in line will be noted and you will receive a call back with your appointment time (IF AVAILABLE for that week). We encourage clients to call every week for as long as they need assistance until they are able to get an appointment for assistance.

We receive over 100 calls a week for assistance requests and are not able to help all clients due to funding and time constraints. In addition, clients are limited to receiving assistance once a year to allow other clients and families equal access to assistance. 



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Other Ways We Meet Needs