Behind the Shield: Kathy McClellan, Receptionist - Fond du Lac
Kathy McClellan has been involved with The Salvation Army for the past 4 years as the Front Office Receptionist for the Social Services and Administration. Read more about her below:
Q. How did you first learn about The Salvation Army?
A. Always read/heard all the good deeds they do.
Q. What is your favorite part about being involved with The Salvation Army?
A. Interaction with clients/staff.
Q. What has been your favorite experience at The Salvation Army?
A. Participating in helping people in need.
Q. What is one thing you believe the world should know about The Salvation Army?
A. The Salvation Army is very caring and not judgmental in any way.
Q. What are 3 words you would use to describe The Salvation Army?
A. Spiritual, welcoming and compassionate
Q. What is your favorite project to work on?
A. Whatever is needed by staff.....proofreading and data entry (besides answering phones, etc.)
Q. Is there anything you’d like to add?
A. I work with an exceptional staff that goes above and beyond what's expected of them. I'm amazed at how much extra time and effort they put forth in carrying out The Salvation Army's mission.
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