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Local/Community Support

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Horizon Bank to Host a Kettle - and Double Donations!
December 14, 2021
Horizon Bank is hosting a Salvation Army Red Kettles at a West Lafayette bank branch on Friday and doubling donations.
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Match Week is Back!
December 13, 2021
Red Kettle donations will be doubled up to $25,000 during the final week of bell ringing thanks to local donors.
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Donor Challenge: Raise $10K in Three Days
December 5, 2021
An anonymous Salvation Army donor is offering a challenge to their community with a $10,000 matching gift as the prize
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Indiana Business Advisors Kettle Match this Weekend
November 22, 2021
Indiana Business Advisors is offering to match up to $5,000 in donations to Tippecanoe County Red Kettles on November 26 & 27
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