Welcome to our new officer, Major Marlys Anderson

Jul 18, 2024

A word from our new corps officer:

I am coming from being the corps officer in Sioux Falls, SD. It has been 25 years since I was last stationed in Indiana, and I am looking forward to getting to know the friendly and generous people of the Lafayette area.

I have been a part of The Salvation Army my entire life and I have been an officer for the last 34 years. As an officer, there are a few things I focus on as I serve a community. The first is faith. I use faith as the base for everything I do and every service I offer at the corps I serve. Secondly, I focus on what will bring people into the church. If a service does not bring people towards God and the church, then that is not where I believe God wants me to put my efforts. Another thing I focus on is food. I work to have big feeding programs and food pantries. Food is necessary and I will never turn people away who are in need of food. If we cannot provide the food, we will find someone who can. The last thing I focus on is fellowship. Fellowship grows communities and is necessary for people, so I work to create programs that will foster fellowship.

My favorite bible verse that I hold to, especially during this season of moving, is Proverbs 3:5-6 6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”. This verse is important to me because I need to constantly learn to trust God, especially as I come into a new situation with new people, and new programs.

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