The Weekly Word - A Devotion for the Week of May 15

May 12, 2023

Our words hold power.

When you think of the human tongue, you probably don’t think of it as the strongest muscle in the body. Instead, you’d probably think of the biceps or hamstring as being the strongest. Physically speaking, you would be right! Our tongues can’t lift a heavy box or move a couch across the room, but the words we use hold an emotional impact.

The things we say to those around us have the ability to either lift them up or tear them down. As the verse says, our words can speak life into people, or they can be daggers to the heart.

Our words can encourage and bring joy, hope, and healing when spoken in the right tone and said at the right time. On the other hand, they can attack, destroy, and humiliate if we do not control our tongue and think first about how our words will affect the person we’re saying them to.

There are plenty of other verses in the Bible that remind us of the power of our words; for example, Proverbs 12:18 says, “The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing,” while Matthew 12:37 says, “The words you say will either acquit you or condemn you.”

Those are just two instances in which Jesus reminds us of the impact of our words. He shows us that our words hold meaning and power.

How can you encourage others with your words this week?

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