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Please enter your name, email and zip code below to sign up!
Developmental Resources include lessons, mentors, supplies, classes and skill-building opportunities in an area of interest. All of our Youth Development Opportunities are designed to expose kids to new ideas, and develop hobbies into skill-sets.
Johnny had signed up for Music Camp as a Drama student. However, seeing everyone with instruments caught his interest. At the registration table, he changed his mind to sign up for beginners band. This ten-year-old practiced his horn at free time every day. By the end of the week, Johnny had improved in all areas of musicianship, and he was recognized with three awards. After camp, he brought his Spark of interest home to Pontiac. Inspired by his interest, The Salvation Army started Beginners Brass Classes for about 15 of his peers.
Every child has a skill and passion, waiting to be discovered and developed. How can you help encourage a young person today? We are looking for mentors to partner with youth as they develop their Sparks into flames.
Character Building at Kids Club
Wednesdays from 6-7:20 p.m., Registration Required. Young people meet by age and gender in merit-badge earning classes. Classes available are: Moonbeams (ages 3-kindergarten, boys and girls combined); Sunbeams (girls, grades 1-5); Explorers (boys, grade 1-5); Girl Guards (grades 6-12); Rangers (boys, grades 6-12). Before class, you are welcomed to Supper Club from 5:30-6:00 p.m. - dinner for the whole family. To register, or for more information, contact Ta'
SPARKS Academy
Tuesdays from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Registration Required. We offer a variety of skill-building, mentorship-based classes to help develop kids' interests into assets. Class sizes are limited. New mentors are needed all the time to increase our capacity. Contact Ta' with questions or to register.
- Karate with Master Soo (small fee assigned, large-class format)
- Brass Banding with musicians from Motor City Brass (free, includes instrument)
- Culinary Arts with Chef Paul (coming in 2019; free, age requirements)
- VR Engineering with area Engineers (coming in 2019, free, age requirements and application process required)
We would love to offer more classes - what is YOUR Spark? Contact to discuss turning your passion into a class t Sparks Academy.
Mondays, 5:30-7:00 p.m. Registration Required. Build basketball skills through professional drills and coaching. Jr. NBA is a certified curriculum which helps boys and girls age 6-14 with their passing, shooting, ball handling and footwork. To register contact