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Please enter your name, email and zip code below to sign up!
In our technology-driven society, we have to combat isolation by making every interaction count.
Without medication, it took a minute to recognize her. Harvey had never seen his pastor at the library. After a few minutes, he filled in Captain Judi on the details of his homelessness and desperation. "Meet me tomorrow at The Salvation Army," Captain Judi told him before she prayed right there at the library. Harvey qualified for the Pathway of Hope program. His caseworker, Sylvia, encouraged Harvey to find discounted prescriptions, face his hoarding lifestyle and regain custody of his kids. Love isn't limited to the church building.
God's love is simple to share. Ask anyone who has had a seat saved for them. However, it is sometimes challenging for adults to find deeper friendship and belonging. Being invited and included are important acts of kindness, leading to rich relationships and love. We host the following opportunities for adults to find connection. You are invited. You are always welcomed.
This monthly gathering of women-only is all about Community, Sisterhood and Jesus. We provide lunch and three questions. The ladies enjoy the luncheon, discussion and an opportunity to be known and heard. Watch this video to learn more about Embrace, and contact to find out when we meet next.
Birthday Club
How long has it been since someone sang "Happy Birthday" to YOU? Each month, we gather to celebrate the birthdays celebrated in that calendar month. If there are no birthdays to celebrate, we still gather for cake, ice cream, laughs and a special time of prayer. Contact for location information and other details.
Adult Bible Study
For those seeking spiritual friendship and formation, our weekly Bible Study is available. Currently, we are studying the book, "Breaking Through to Spiritual Maturity." Join anytime. Contact for location information and other details.