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2020 Red Kettle Campaign and Bell Ringing Opportunities
November 11, 2020
Help Rescue Christmas by donating to The Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign or volunteer to Bell Ring in Traverse City
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Walmart Partners with The Salvation Army to "Rescue Christmas"
November 4, 2020
There are more opportunities than ever this year for you to make a difference for those in need.
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Salvation Army Food Pantry and Meijer Partner to Support Neighbors Facing Food Insecurity, Oct. 25, 2020 - Jan. 4, 2021
October 24, 2020
The Salvation Army Food Pantry and Meijer Partner to Support Neighbors Facing Food Insecurity Through Retailer’s Simply Give Hunger Relief Program
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Rescue Christmas
September 23, 2020
Join The Salvation Army Traverse City to Rescue Christmas and share the joy of the season with our vulnerable neighbors
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