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Domestic Violence Services

In communities across the Midwest, The Salvation Army is working to address the trauma experienced by victims of domestic violence and prevent further violence from occurring.  Through a broad range of services including, individual counseling, group work, housing and support services, The Salvation Army’s programs are responsive to the needs of domestic violence victims, as well as addressing the challenges posed by perpetrators of violence.  Our primary concern is ensuring the safety of victims and children.  To that end, The Salvation Army is committed to having a strong working relationship with the local criminal justice system and to collaborate with providers of services that bring safety and hope to victims of domestic violence.  

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Emergency Assistance

Salvation Army social service programs help meet the basic needs of daily life for those without the resources to do so themselves. Most often, the programs provide food, clothing, financial assistance to pay utilities, and other necessities.  Services provided may vary by location.  Please contact your local Salvation Army Corps Community Center for more information by utilizing the zip code search function located in our website’s ‘Find a Center’ field.

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Seasonal Services

Seasonal services are special services to help families and children in need at specific times during the year. Seasonal services offered include the many special Christmas giving programs such as holiday food distribution, toy giving programs for needy children, and adopt-a-family initiatives.  Beyond Christmas, seasonal services include weather related assistance like fan distribution in the hot summer months and heat assistance in the winter.  Back-to-school is another time of special services including specific material assistance such as backpacks, school clothing and school supplies. Services offered vary by community needs and location.

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Case Management Services

The Salvation Army offers case management services in a variety of settings.  Social workers and caseworkers work one-on-one with program participants in partnership to offer opportunities to better their lives.  This occurs through an assessment process followed by goal planning in applicable areas.  Regular casework sessions provide support and accountability.

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Health Services

Medical, dental and behavioral health services are offered for the community at some Salvation Army facilities.  In several locations medical clinics are owned and operated by The Salvation Army and while in others those programs are in conjunction with community partners.  Behavioral services include counseling with families and individuals, as well as treatment for alcohol and drugs.  

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Housing/Residence Services

Group homes, emergency shelters, and transitional & permanent supportive housing projects provide housing for varying amounts of time.  While in our programs, residents are required to meet regularly with a case manager.  Case managers use these meetings to collaboratively create a plan for achieving a more permanent housing solution for each resident.  Often times these programs also provide educational, counseling and vocational services to address long-term specific issues that may present as barriers to our program participants.  In some instances, residential programs are designed to target specific barriers such as; substance abuse, mental illness and domestic abuse

Children/Youth Services

In the Salvation Army Central Territory, there are a wide variety of programs that serve children and youth.  There are programs focused on early childhood development and education including Head Start programs, preschool programs, and full-day childcare.  These programs strive to nurture young children and promote their cognitive, physical, social, emotional and spiritual growth and development.  There are also programs offering before and/or after school care for school-age children.  In addition, there are unique residential programs aimed at providing services for vulnerable, at-risk children and adolescence.  All programs share the goals of strengthening families and helping children develop to their fullest potential.

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Food & Nutrition

Social Service corps, institutions, programs and canteens meet a basic human need for food and nutrition targeted to specific populations.  These mass and congregate feeding programs, mobile meals and commodities distributions serve children, homeless persons, seniors and families in various configurations including seasonal food assistance, food pantries and banks, soup kitchens, day camps, snacks served and home delivered meals.

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Pathway of Hope

Pathway of Hope expands the scope of social service casework through a plan of increasingly enhanced services that enable clients to grow from emergency service recipients to healthy, interdependent members of their communities.  Pathway is grounded in a strengths based case management model and an increased network of resources through community collaboration.  Participants in the Pathway initiative commit to an extensive program of personal development that, guided closely by social service caseworkers, is intended to stabilize their present and sustain their futures. The charter for this bold program, implemented in 2011, is to double the impact of The Salvation Army’s social ministry by 2016 with Pathway of Hope participants.  

For more information click here.

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The Salvation Army firmly believes that the abuse and exploitation of human beings through any form of human trafficking is an offense against humankind and against God. This belief, combined with our mission to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination, motivates us to work vigilantly for the prevention of human trafficking and for the restoration of survivors.

For more information click here. 

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Prisoner Rehabilitation

Through cooperative arrangements with prison, probation, and parole officials throughout the country, The Salvation Army plays a growing role in prison rehabilitation and crime prevention. In some jurisdictions, prisoners are pariked to the direct custody of The Salvation Army. Services include Bible correspondence courses, prerelease job-training programs, employment opportunities in cooperation with parole personnel, material aid, and spiritual guidance to both prisoners and their families.

For more information click here.

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Missing Persons

The Salvation Army Missing Persons program is a unique international social service. Its purpose is to help facilitate successful reunions between family members who have lost contact with each other.

For more information click here.

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Older Adult Ministries

Our Older Adult ministries include programs that advocate for, educate about and provide succor to adults 55 and older who come to The Salvation Army in need of physical and spiritual assistance.  These include programs for older adults (day care, residential, meals) and programs about older adults (NCOA conferences, divisional and territorial seminars, Safe From Harm for Vulnerable Adults.)  Residential and day care programs are certified by territorial staff for compliance with Social Service Standards that, combined with a mandated focus on older adult safety and the Salvation Army’s spiritual mission, ensure professional, compassionate, secure care for those we serve.

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