Behind the Shield: Theresa Tousey, Youth Leader-Fond du Lac

Aug 1, 2018

Theresa Tousey has been involved with The Salvation Army Fond du Lac for 13 years! She is currently serving as a Youth Leader, volunteer and Corps Soldier. Read more about Theresa below:

Q. How did you first learn about The Salvation Army?
A. From other people, was invited by another volunteer to come on down to help out

Q. What is your favorite part about working at The Salvation Army?
A. The friendly people

Q. What has been your favorite experience at The Salvation Army?
A. There’s always something different to do

Q. What is one thing you believe the world should know about The Salvation Army?
A. That it’s a church first.

Q. What are 3 words you would use to describe The Salvation Army?
A. God, help and people

Q. What is your favorite project to work on?
A. Anything with volunteering

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