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Our Doors are always open

Every year The Salvation Army provides over 10 million nights of shelter to those in need

As long as there's a salvation army,

there's no such thing as no place to go

When you need a place to stay during the “in-between,” our transitional housing program offers shelter until you find a permanent place to live. If you’ve been evicted, are dealing with an addiction, face a domestic break-up or have another type of housing crisis, contact your local Salvation Army to find out what transitional housing options are available in your area.

About 15% of all homeless people are considered "chronically homeless"

Every Night, The Salvation Army Shelters Almost 30,000 Homeless Americans

How we help provide housing

Sometimes life doesn’t turn out how we planned. Other times we get slammed with an unexpected hiccup, such as job loss or medical debt. With one in six people living in poverty today, hardship can easily lead to homelessness. 

Rapid Re-Housing for Families in Shelter
The Rapid Re-housing Program supports low-income families in shelters who need up to one year of rental assistance to obtain stable housing. Participants must complete a coordinated intake and referral. 

  • Support is offered to locate and maintain housing through:
  • Rent subsidies
  • Utility assistance
  • Housing deposit grants
  • Application fees
  • Moving assistance
  • Advocacy

Family Homelessness Prevention
Family Homelessness Prevention Assistance provides support and financial assistance to single households or families that are at risk of becoming homeless. Those served must have already applied for St. Louis County emergency assistance, and have an income and an eviction notice. 

Program benefits:

  • Food, transportation, and medical care
  • Advocacy and referral to other resources
  • Rent and utility assistance (if eligible)

Family Transitional Housing
Family Transitional Housing provides up to two years of housing in furnished units and intensive support services to homeless families with children under age 18 (meet one of the families). Participants pay 30 percent of their income as rent and must have maintained sobriety for at least six months. 

Program benefits:

  • Safe, affordable housing
  • Intensive, supportive services
  • Education and employment assistance
  • Personal budgeting classes
  • Advocacy and referral to other resources

Pathway of Hope
Our Pathway of Hope program provides an additional layer of services offered to families who have the desire for positive change in their life and the openness to allow us to help them reach their goals. Families in Pathway of Hope are provided with supportive services in the form of Case Management connecting them with community resources that will assist in finding a path to self-sufficiency, stability, success, and hope.

For more information on any of our housing programs call 218-722-7934


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Other Ways We Meet Needs
