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Supporting Adults through Life's Transitions
We partner with adults of every age, offering support to veterans, care to older adults
and resources to any individual navigating challenging circumstances.
Research indicates that participants 60 years and older who reported feeling lonely saw a 45 percent increase in their risk of death.
Older adults and veterans often suffer from depression and loneliness and are among the most vulnerable populations in Nebraska, South Dakota and western Iowa.
We create environments in which adults are valued, appreciated and respected.
Sadly, many older adults, veterans and adults struggling with joblessness and other hardships do not have a place or a community where they feel they belong. That's why The Salvation Army offers housing and other programs specifically designed to meet the needs of older adults and veterans. Additionally, adults transitioning from unemployment to the workforce can find counseling, job resources, training and placement assistance.
We began supporting veterans during World War I by serving coffee and donuts to troops. Today, our veterans services have grown to include transitional housing, mental health support, employment assistance, case management, referrals to community resources and assistance transitioning to independent living.
We help individuals close the gap between joblessness and gainful employment by providing career training, skills assessment, and referrals for and assistance with job placement. Additionally, our Representative Payee program offers confidential, compassionate assistance with budgeting and financial planning with the goal of helping individuals learn how to better manage their money and become financially stable.
We invite older adults to connect at our senior centers where they can engage in arts and crafts, games and seasonal activities, forge friendships with peers, and enjoy nutritious, home-cooked meals. Additionally, we offer safe, affordable, comfortable housing for low-income adults age 62 and older. Our Adult Day Health Center in Mason City, Iowa, provides a safe environment during daytime hours for adults with physical or memory limitations, giving caregivers a much-needed respite and the peace of mind knowing their loved ones are being cared for in their absence.
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