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Our mission gives a voice to the unheard Image

Our mission gives a voice to the unheard

The Salvation Army is an advocate for people and movements that stand for justice.
Our services and programs are always rooted in equality.

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Injustice - A violation of basic human rights, or equality.

By this definition, we all pass a form of injustice, or inequality, every day and may not realize it. The Salvation Army continually strives to shine a light on these moments in order to better work for those who have their basic right to equality threatened or taken away. We stand as advocates for veterans and their families, domestic abuse survivors, homeless, minority or under-served communities and much more.

The Heartland Division serves equality for all alongside You

The Salvation Army programs working across Central Illinois and Eastern Iowa bring dignity and support in many ways, but the fight for justice is constant. We need your help to continually create opportunities and resources for those facing injustice to turn towards for support.

The National Commander's Message on The Salvation Army's Enduring Commitment to our Mission Statment

How We Fight For Justice

Comprehensive & Holistic Service

The Salvation Army provides sustainable care that meets the needs of our community, but it starts by seeing the person behind the need. This is how founder William Booth began serving, and it is how our mission continues to bring impactful changes to men, women and children.
Groups that we serve in this manner can include neglected Veterans, victims of addiction, patients of mental illness, and domestic or sexual abuse survivors. No matter who comes to us, all receive guidance through the proper channel of The Salvation Army where they gain access to assistance that sees them as a person first. We Fight For Good and bring an end to personal Injustices.



Community Awareness Initiatives

Addiction, domestic violence, race and mental illness are common factors that stand in the way of many in our communities from living with the same rights as others. The Salvation Army not only serves these groups in need, but work to change the stigmas and systems surrounding these issues. We proudly partner with local coalitions to raise public awareness about the many forms of injustice we live around everyday. Our mission guides our hand towards love as we help to plan and build ways that can treat these issues that are present in our communities.


Advocating For All

For over 200 years, The Salvation Army has stood to support the rights of all people and our mission has provided services and programs to local communities in need of strong advocacy. Our commitment to correcting injustice and giving victims a way out of inequality is a part of who we are and why we serve. All who face dark times or inequality can find a friend in The Salvation Army and safety behind our Shield. We will fight for all who turn to our mission for support.



Stories of Justice

Other Ways We Meet Needs