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We are looking for Full-time SDC Counselors
for beginning of June through end of August
By focusing on activities for the mind, body, and soul, our new Senior Center program hopes to foster an environment to create new and lasting memories for Older Adults and their loved ones.
Find Out MoreWe are blessed with a great facility and we want to share it with our community.
Visit our monthly Sport Card show to see for yourself.
Fat Daddy's, the biggest card show in Wisconsin!
Providing tools and resources for families to address specific barriers to increased stability
Find Out MorePlease enter your name, email and zip code below to sign up!
You'll find The Salvation Army. Find out how we help serve our community and its needs.
Salvation Army Programs are led by Salvation Army Officers. These officers are responsible to lead by assessing needs, delivering programs and directing ministries for our local community. From serving food to balancing the books, they function as the Executive Directors and the Pastors for the Oak Creek Salvation Army.
Why the uniform?