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Women's Ministry meets every Thursday at 3:30pm
Worship is a part of every Women's Ministries program. Most meetings involve reading the Bible and prayer. Special programs or events may highlight this aspect such as worship services, singspirations and Bible studies.
These programs include a wide variety of subjects that promote personal, family and community growth. They address the needs, interests and concerns of the Women's Ministries group as well as family and community issues. This aspect of the program also promotes women's understanding of Christian principles and lifestyle.
Fellowship experiences are filled with fun, food and warm friendships. Offering an opportunity to build relationships, share concerns and receive friendly advice from other women is an important and exciting component of Women's Ministries. Many fellowship activities include outings, parties and social events.
Giving women an opportunity to make a difference in their community and world, Women's Ministries offer a variety of service projects. These vary from group to group but may include feeding the homeless, helping less-fortunate children receive toys for Christmas, baking cookies for college students, visiting nursing homes and so much more!
Men's Group
Our men's group meets informally on Sunday evenings. Contact Captain Jacob Tripp for more information @ 989.401.7881
Community Care Ministry
Community Care Ministries (CCM) is a unit of The Salvation Army, formed for the express purpose of providing a spiritual and social ministry to those in a community. It seeks to provide comfort, cheer, and when possible, material assistance to those in need. This ministry also provides the hope of Jesus Christ.
Our Purpose
To Raise Awareness and Vision for ministry by presenting opportunities for service that demonstrates the Love of Christ. Community Care Ministries is designed to motivate, mobilize and train soldiers, adherents and other volunteers to effectively carry out Christ's commission to care for those in need. Community Care demonstrates expanded and diverse ministries that are a response to the changing needs in our communities.
Our Objectives
The ministry provides regular and seasonal visitation to hospitals, nursing homes, institutions, and private homes in the community. The ministry may include special activities or special services to meet specific needs. Community Care Ministries members should be prepared to share their hope and faith in God who cares for all. The ministry is provided through individuals and organized groups.